Adult Day Services
Adult Day Services is a facility-based program for individuals with disabilities ages 18 and up. Our Day program is designed to assist individuals in the improvement and retention of skills necessary to be as independent as possible in their daily lives. We provide direct supervision as well as training to implement person-centered goals based on the individual’s wants and needs. We provide these services at a 6:1, 4:1 or 1:1 client to staff member ratio. A daily schedule is followed to ensure that everyone has a wide variety of activities. Some of our daily tasks include: social circle time, exercise, arts/crafts, sensory time, hygiene skills, vocational skills, and more. We also enjoy accessing the community for volunteer opportunities or to work on some of our goals in real world situations.
Our primary service location is on the South-west side of Indianapolis. Funding for our Adult Day Program is available through the FS and CIH waivers in Indiana (Services codes: DHI, ADS1, ADS2 and ADS3). Private pay rates are also available.
If you would like to donate supplies to our adult day program, we are currently accepting the following:
Pants (sweats & basketball shorts)
Construction Paper
Snacks (Healthy for 40 clients)
Towels / Bibs
Bean Bags
Picture Reading Books