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About Behavior Supports

Behavior Supports helps individuals gain the skills they need to decrease problem behaviors and increase independence. We provide hands-on supports that are unique to each individual.


  • ​Treatment modality: MDS believes in a hands-on approach to providing behavior supports. We value partnering with clients, families, and staff to provide the best possible services. We always provide services under the positive behavior supports model and take a strength-based approached to our behavior management services.

  • Population Served: MDS provides behavior supports to children and adults. We primarily provide behavior supports to individuals with developmental disabilities, often times with a co-occurring mental health issue. We serve all ages and levels of disability.

  • Settings: MDS's behavior supports services are primarily home-based, although consultants will assess and provide services in any environment where the individual spends time, including work, school, residential settings, day service sites and the community.

  • Hours of Service: Primarily Monday – Friday, 7am – 8pm. Sometimes services will take place on the weekends or later at night as dictated by client needs, although these time slots are limited.

  • Frequency of Service: Frequency of service is based on the individual's assessed needs, availability, and funding. Individuals are typically seen weekly for Behavior Supports.  Clients are typically are allotted between 6 and 12 hours of behavior supports a month.

  • Payer Sources: Behavior supports is funded through the Medicaid waiver. Family Support Waiver and the Community Integration and Habilitation Waiver. In addition, we offer services on a private pay basis.

  • Fees: There is no direct cost to individuals when services are reimbursed through the FS or CIH Waivers. Private pay rates are available. The Medicaid Waiver reimburses $18.56 per quarter hour for behavior support services. The private pay rate is $100 per hour.

  • Referral Sources: We receive referrals from case managers, families and friends, social media, online searches, word of mouth, pick lists, BDDS Portal and other team members. We are available to answer any questions you may have about behavior supports.

  • Credentialing of Staff: All behavior consultants must have a Master’s Degree in social work, special education, psychology, counseling, ABA or a related field.

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